Connie Weisberg started in the body/mind business during the 80’s as an owner of the first boutique style fitness business at the oceanfront of Virginia Beach, Goodbodys 1979-1989. She holds a BS in Education from East Carolina University and taught school for 12 years before giving up her teaching career in the school system to become a full time fitness teacher and mother. Working as the Director of Fitness and Yoga at Wareing’s Gym for 17 years, Connie not only built an extraordinary fitness program with over 50 classes weekly but also launched a successful yoga program called “The Yoga Room” still in existence today. Connie Weisberg’s true joy is teaching others and sharing her skills to make yoga a memorable experience for all she encounters. Connie earned her senior certification in Zen Raja yoga in 2001; however, she considers herself  a devoted student of Anusara. A devotee of Desiree Rumbaugh, a senior Anusara yoga teacher, Connie believes Anusara changed her life as well as her teaching style. Connie earned many continuing education hours in Anusara yoga and attended many International Conventions and weekend seminars with various masters of yoga including Rodney Yee, Christy Brock, Beryl Bender Birch, Adil Pakavala, Eric Shiffman, Patricia Walden, Mary Dunn, Richard Freeman, Shiva Rea, David Life, Kate Miller, Choudhury Bikram, Jimmy Barkin and others. In 2005, she had the ultimate experience of meeting a true lifetime Master of yoga, Tao Porchon Lynch, whose love and guidance further inspired her teaching style and development as a yogini through whom she earned her 500 ERYT. Connie also earned her Pre-Natal Yoga Certification in 2005 from Janice Clarfield, of Urban Yoga in Vancouver, Canada. She has successfully guided many women through the birthing process using the breath work of yoga. Other certifications include: Bachelor of Science in Education, East Carolina University; Yoga Teacher, International Yoga Institute, Raja emphasis; Personal Trainer, American College of Sports Medicine; Health Fitness Instructor Certification, Old Dominion University; Fitness Instructor, AFFA; Pre-Natal Yoga Teacher Certification, Urban Yoga; Continuing Education Guidance-Desiree Rumbaugh & Tao Porchon Lynch 500 ERYT; and Registered Yoga Teacher Yoga Alliance. She is also the founder and teacher of the Oceanfront Yoga Teacher Training Program.

Bow Pose



Type of pose: Backbend

Benefits: Stretches the front of the body including the chest, abdomen, and quadriceps.  Improves spinal flexibility.